Website Privacy Policy

In this Privacy Policy, SIGNAL OCEAN LTD, a private limited company organised and existing under the laws of England and Wales, whose registered office is at 83 Cambridge Street, Pimlico, SW1V 4PS, London, England , also deemed to include a)its wholly owned subsidiary SIGNAL OCEAN SINGLE MEMBER PRIVATE COMPANY, a single member private company organized and existing under the laws of Greece, whose registered office is at 110 Vouliagmenis Avenue, Glyfada, 166 74, Greece, and b) its affiliated companies, states its practices regarding information that it collects from you or through your use of the website which is accessible at (“Website”), how that information may be used and with whom it may be shared (the “Privacy Policy”). The data controllers of your Personal Information are Signal Ocean Ltd of 83 Cambridge Street, Pimlico, SW1V 4PS, London, England and Signal Ocean Single Member Private Company of 110 Vouliagmenis Avenue, Glyfada, 16674, Greece (“Signal”) .

The Privacy Policy will be revised from time to time. Signal will notify you of any revisions by posting the updated version of the Privacy Policy on the Website. Revised terms become effective on the first date that you access or use the Website after the updated Privacy Policy has been posted. Signal advises you to periodically check the Privacy Policy for any such modifications or revisions. You represent that you have read and understood the Privacy Policy.

For purposes of this Privacy Policy, “use” shall mean any operation or set of operations performed on information provided by you, such as collection, use, storage, forwarding and/or disclosure. “Process” shall be construed accordingly. 

Personal Information

a) “Personal Information” refers to information that allows Signal to identify you, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier, in the course of your accessing and using the Website. Personal information shall be provided by you in case you elect to contact Signal via the contact forms available on the Website for requesting a demo and/or information on Signal’s product(s) and/or services or any other matter; it includes name, address, email, telephone number, company/employer, job function, team size. 

Signal may also collect Personal Information automatically through your use of the Website, such as IP address, date and daytime of access request, time zone difference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), specific site requested, HTTP-status code, amount of data transmitted, the website from which you visit the Website, browser type, operating system and user interface, language and version of browser software. Please refer to the section on Cookies and similar technologies below for more information.

b) Signal may use your Personal Information to:

  • • Improve your interaction with the Website.
  • Notify you of any changes to the Website.
  • Communicate with you with respect to Signal’s services and products.
  • Enforce the Terms of Use and/or Privacy Policy. 
  • Send you marketing and remarketing communication, unless you have requested by written notice that your Personal Information not be used for the purposes of marketing and remarketing.
  • Request your participation in surveys related to the Website, its services and Signal’s products and/or services and administer such surveys.
  • For Signal’s business purposes, such as data analysis, usage analytics, audits, fraud monitoring and prevention, development of new products and services, improvement of products and services, identification of usage trends, business development, research etc. For these purposes, Signal may de-identify, and/or aggregate with other information, your Personal Information.  

c) Signal does not generally share your Personal Information with any third parties. However, your Personal Information may be disclosed in the following circumstances:

  • • By Signal to third-party service providers, who provide services to Signal  such as website hosting, data analysis, usage analytics, business development, functionality development and improvement, information technology, customer support and related infrastructure provision, provided that such service providers have provided Signal with satisfactory assurances of their technical and organizational ability to provide appropriate and sufficient data protection, in accordance with applicable law.
  • • By Signal to a third party in the event of a merger, sale or transfer of assets, joint venture, assignment, reorganization or bankruptcy or other similar proceedings. 
  • • By Signal to comply with any applicable law, including laws outside of your country of residence or outside of the European Economic Area, to respond to requests from courts, public and/or judicial authorities, which may include such authorities outside of your country of residence or of the European Economic Area to take precautions against liability, to investigate and defend Signal against any third-party claims or allegations.
  • • By Signal to protect the rights, privacy, security, safety, integrity or property of Signal, facilities or equipment used to make the Website available, or others and to enforce the Terms of Use and/or Privacy Policy.

d) Signal may retain your Personal Information for up to 5 years from its collection or submission. 

e) Signal may transfer to, store and use your Personal Information – for troubleshooting, customer support, usage tracking and data storage purposes – in any country where Signal’s related companies, affiliates or third-party service providers are based, even countries outside of the European Economic Area, and which may have lower levels of data protection from those applicable in the European Economic Area. Signal also takes steps to protect Personal Information in the country in which it is stored, used or to which it is transferred and to ensure that any such data storages, uses and transfers are subject to adequate safeguards. 

f) You acknowledge that Signal may use your Personal Information as provided for in this Privacy Policy in order for you to be able to use the Website. If you don’t wish your Personal Information to be used by Signal as described herein, you may send an email to Signal (contact person: Dimitris Tsapoulis) at the following address Requests are dealt with within seven (7) business days. However, please note that any objection by you to Signal’s processing of your Personal Information will not affect the lawfulness of the use of your Personal Information up to that time.

g) Signal has put in place appropriate technical, organizational and other measures to protect your Personal Information from unauthorized or unlawful use and accidental loss or damage and to provide a level of data protection that meets the requirements of applicable law. Such measures also apply to entities directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by or under common control with Signal. However, no data security measures are 100% secure. We cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk. Moreover, if you have reason to believe that your interaction with the Website is no longer secure, please immediately notify Signal at the following address   

h) You have the right to obtain from Signal confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning you are being processed and, if that is the case, you have the right to request access to your personal data and to information regarding their processing, such as the recipients of your personal data, the time period for which your personal data will be stored etc. You have the right to request a copy of your personal data under processing, to request the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you, to request the completion of incomplete personal data concerning you, to request the erasure of your personal data, to request the restriction of processing of your personal data, to receive the personal data concerning you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, to transmit your personal data to another data controller, without hindrance from Signal, to request the direct transmission of your personal data from Signal to another data controller, where technically feasible, to lodge a complaint with the competent Data Protection Authority, to object at any time to the processing of your personal data, to object at any time to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes. 

i) You acknowledge and agree that all information you submit is truthful and accurate.

j) You shall not provide any Personal Information about others unless you are authorized to do so. By submitting Personal Information about others, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to do so and that you have received authorization from the person about whom you provide Personal Information and, where required, that that person has consented to having all such Personal Information submitted in accordance with this Privacy Policy. 

k) You acknowledge and agree that the employees of Signal may gain access to your Personal Information. Signal shall limit such access on a need-to-know basis. Signal shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that such employees are informed of the nature of the Personal Information and comply with the provisions of this Privacy Policy.

You may contact Dimitris Tsapoulis at the following address for any questions about the Privacy Policy or any complaints or objections about the way your Personal Information has been processed by Signal. 

l) The Website may include links to third-party websites or applications whose privacy policies may differ from ours. Any information that these third parties collect about you is governed by their respective privacy policies. We suggest that you contact those third parties directly in order to obtain information about their privacy policies.

Cookies and similar technologies

a) The Website collects information about the use of the Website. Such information may be collected:

(i) through your browser or device; 

(ii) through cookies and similar technologies (such as beacons, pixels and tags); cookies contain a small amount of information downloaded to your computer or other device by the server of a website, page or advertisement, which allow the originating website, page or advertisement to recognize your computer or other device on subsequent visits; the Website uses both session-based cookies (which last only while your browser is open) and persistent cookies (enabling authentication, as well as other  features, for each time you log on to the Website ), as well as third-party cookies, such as Google Analytics, Google Ads remarketing, Microsoft Azure, DoubleClick, subject to the respective service provider’s policies; you may opt-out of third-party cookies on that provider’s respective website; although most browsers accept cookies by default, you are able to set yours to alert you when cookies are being used, as well as to accept or reject cookies; you may also  opt-out of all or certain cookies used by the Website , but please note that such opting-out may significantly disrupt your use of the Website and that you may even lose the ability to access the Website; the following types of cookies are used by the Website: 

  • strictly necessary/essential cookies (i.e. cookies that are necessary in order to enable you to browse the Website), 
  • performance and analytics cookies (i.e. cookies that are used to collect information about use of the Website as well as for improvement and research of features and services of the Website), 
  • security cookies (i.e. cookies that are used for the detection of malware and support of Website), 
  • preference cookies (i.e. cookies that are used for the provision of customized services and features), 
  • marketing and remarketing cookies (i.e. cookies that are used for launching and monitoring of marketing campaigns, delivering customized advertising). We use Google AdWords remarketing to advertise Signal  across the internet. Google AdWords remarketing will display relevant ads tailored to you based on what parts of the Website you have viewed by placing a cookie on your machine. THIS COOKIE DOES NOT IN ANYWAY IDENTIFY YOU OR GIVE ACCESS TO YOUR COMPUTER. The cookie is used to say “This person visited this page, so show them ads relating to that page.” Google AdWords remarketing allows us to tailor our marketing to better suit your needs and only display ads that are relevant to you.If you do not wish to participate in our Google AdWords remarketing, you can opt out by visiting Google’s Ads Preferences Manager.

(iii) through your use of the Website (including but not limited to date and length of visit, location data, traffic data etc.);

(iv) from you on a voluntary basis, such as information about your geographic and/or commercial preferences; and/or

(v) by aggregating Personal Information, where such information does not personally identify you (collectively, “Electronic Tools”).

b) Signal and their third-party service providers may use information collected through the Electronic Tools for any purpose, such as enhancement of navigation, functionality of the Website, monitoring and analyzing the effectiveness of the Website, as well as aggregating usage metrics, except where Signal is required to do otherwise under applicable law. 

c) If Signal combines information collected through Electronic Tools with Personal Information, it will treat the combined information as Personal Information.